Self-Help Wisdom~ With the Dalian Method


Embrace your power! Feel stronger!
Decode any challenge and transform!

A Deep Invigorating Cleanse. A New Beginning at Work, in Your Relationships, & in Your Life.

An innovative approach to Health, Release Stress & Anxiety and Grow Resiliency & Self-Empowerment using the breath and out loud expression. Voice your deepest thoughts, feelings, short comings & beliefs.  By taking this step, you open the door to your inner wisdom, inner power, unique gifts, and creativity. Discover how to proceed with clear direction.


You connect to your inner being. You realize that the journey is to look within and not rely on anyone else for acceptance, love and approval. You begin to love and accept yourself and start enjoying life. Most importantly, you learn how to witness, you dis-identify from your body, mind and emotions. This is the golden key to happiness, peace and joy.

Discover your unique gifts with the Dalian Method.

The Dalian Method is for ALL AGES - Adults, Teens and Children info on (home page)

Dalian Method Adult (96 minutes)

Dalian Method Teenagers from 12-19 yrs (22 minutes)

Dalian Method Teenagers from 12-19 yrs – Answers to Your Questions’ (17 minutes)

Private Sessions-Registration Form

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