
Discover the feedback from our Private Sessions and Workshop clients

Lisa Alexandra ~ The Owner of The Aura House

” Both Karen and I had such profound experiences during your Dalian Method workshop, and I so appreciate the time you took to guide us through it. Your passion for the Method is undoubtable and I do believe in the power it has to change lives.

Nino Perrotta~ DC (Doctor of Chiropractic)

Thank you Belinda for our private workshop using the Dalian Method. Your pre-session explanation was easy to follow and thorough. I was able to participate with complete privacy with the simple click of a mute button and turn off my camera. Yet, I was able to listen and felt connected the whole time. Also thank you for providing me with the tools to continue on my own whenever I feel the need to do so. It was very helpful!” 

Dr Sachin Patel

“Belinda, Thank you for your amazing work!  The Dalian method private session has helped me and my patients transform their thoughts and life.  I suggest your services to all my friends and family.  Keep up the great work!

Dr Ricky Brar

“Thank you so much for the amazing and life-changing work you do. After my Dalian Method private session, I felt like I had dealt with years of unprocessed baggage and came out with a clearer view and purpose in my life. Over the next few weeks, my life continued to change as the space created by removing all of this baggage started to get filled with new opportunities. I can’t thank you enough.”


“Practicing the Dalian Method private session with Belinda was a life-changing experience for me. Although it was initially very hard for me to break through my shell, Belinda successfully guided me through a transformation that allowed me to look deep inside myself and experience who I really am for the first time in my life. I would recommend a session with Belinda for anybody who feels they are losing a sense of themselves and needs guidance to find the peace within themselves

Anna De Souza

Dealing with anxiety and not being able to be independent isn’t easy.. We are so pessimistic that we forget all the positive and good in us. Belinda has really helped me get over the idea of needing someone with the private session Dalian Method. I don’t feel lonely anymore. My clarity has made me feel so much lighter and I’m grateful.

Tibi Murariu

“Belinda was an incredible facilitator for my Dalian Method private session energy work. I’ve had tremendous breakthroughs both in my personal life and with my business after these sessions. You’re peeling back layers of your subconscious mind, clearing old emotional baggage and addressing your deepest fears head on. It ends with grounding your positive energy and you walk out feeling reborn. I highly recommend you give this process a real chance, it’s been one of the best investments I’ve ever made.”


“I have felt amazing since my last Dalian Method private session and it was long over-due. Thank you for your kindness and support. You are offering an amazing service that can help change lives.”

Mitchell Kaufman

“I don’t know when it happened but sometime in the past week I feel like I have undergone a true transformation.

The clouds have lifted so to speak and, while the pain still exists, it’s less shattering and I can view it with a perspective that I can gain insight from without crippling my ego or suppressing me under the weight of it all.

After my Dalian Method private session , I feel lighter, I feel grounded and I most of all I feel grateful. A thousand thank you’s for your patience, guidance and understanding. Thank you most for believing in me and seeing the transformation take root.

Words can not express my gratitude”


“Thank you so much for an amazing and I opening Dalian Method private session the other day.
I really appreciated you facilitating this process for me and helping me voice some of my thoughts. I can really see how this would help so many.”

Vidica ~ Personal Transformation Coach

“I was not familiar with the Dalian Method before meeting you however after having gone through the experience I can see its great value in terms of health and well being. It’s not easy work but absolutely necessary for those who are seeking more out of their life, especially health. In my private session thank you for helping me find a way to name and express the suppressed feelings that needed to be released in a safe and constructive way. Your passion for helping people find a better way to live resonates strongly with me and it’s obvious in the work that you do.” The Dalian Method  is priceless to everyone in general.”

Melissa- Business Owner -London, England

After working with Dalian Method for 3 years healing and transforming on so many levels. I felt very stuck, and I didn’t want to do the work. I felt huge resistance. Also, during my private Dalian Method Session my zoom dropped twice, and I did not want or feel like calling back into the session.

Belinda was so gentle and understanding. She created a loving non-judgemental space for me. During the session, Belinda supported me gently, giving pointers that created breakthroughs. I would not be able to go through this without her.

I was in a crisis and now I feel much more accessible and open to exploring more. Also, things started opening up new opportunities that immediately came to me on both business and personal levels.


“I have suffered from exhaustion, mental fatigue and mood disorders for years. My alternative medicine care givers viewed my malady as chronic fatigue/burn out. Medical doctors insisted my problems were all psychological and dismissed me.

I have been very debilitated. I could not exercise (ride my bike, hike), concentrate, or “be” happy.  I was desolate because I have enjoyed a very active life style and now was grounded. I even climbed Mt Kilimanjaro!

After my private Dalian Method and No/Yes meditation sessions with you I have physical energy!!!!!! I can hike 5 km and or ride my bike 15+ km. Today I walked along the beach for about 4 km then road my bike for about 10 km. I am so grateful. I so enjoy the beauty of the earth around me.

Relationship issues that have been ongoing with my son and husband have mellowed significantly. My husband and I are much more engaged with one another and we now have such fun together. My son is still distant but then he has his own journey to discover. I have little angst with my son. Hurray!

I am learning to concentrate and problem solve again!

Belinda, thank you so much for your assistance.”

Lila Haris

Belinda, I’m so grateful your guidance during the private Dalian Method session. Your powerful intuition helped me clear and resolve an issue that I’ve been carrying for many years. What’s incredible is that more clarity still continues to unravel and I’ve been having many exciting ‘light-bulb’ moments, even though the session was days ago. Thank you for your compassion and the wealth of wisdom you bring. These Dalian Method sessions are truly priceless.

Vivek Mehmi

“Belinda was absolutely amazing to work with, her genuine care and guidance through both the Dalian method and No /Yes meditation private sessions really helped me get the most out of the sessions. I could feel emotional charges coming out of me, definitely felt a big shift in my vibration and energy.  After the sessions I felt a stronger connection with my soul and felt more aware of myself. I recommend Belinda to anyone who wants to transform their existence.
Thank you Belinda”


“Thank you so much Belinda!

It was wonderful to meet you! The experience I had was extraordinary, I felt such relief after the Dalian Method private session. There was a lot accumulating inside me for many years, and I felt like a new person after I left from your place yesterday.”